Doc Dude Dad

Dude, you haunted by water?

What around us lives does so with water, what cooperates collects around water, and it supports a whale and mushrooms. The connection of rivers and destruction of coastlines and floodplains all through feeding and renewal.

Dude easy. Don’t force that lock; the key will bend or the tumbler jam. Just jiggle it, wiggle it or whisper a sweet nothing in its ear until it revolves. The Wú Wéi action in accordance with the pattern as it exists perceiving the ease or the way.

The Wú Wéi is the easy pass the ball to feet, taking only what is given. Dude speak kindly to the lock don’t coerce. Watching your teammate, covering their space when they attack, giving a shout when they have pressure, tapping the ball into space.

This voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles with you lot would be my pleasure. Alas, this week I resist steadfastly against entropy (stupid work, yes yes, it isn’t stupid but, shoot trailed off there). We have weathered adversity and the bounce hasn’t always been easy but accepting the bad shows more character and is greater than striving and wanting. Accepting the ice-cold beverage will taste colder with dudes who enjoy an easy outing. Go easy dudes, try to be the sage, the MF master if it is the way.

Te Wero (the challenge)

Easy is what we got away from last week we survive in short sharp passes and dwell like water and flow in and out.

The team will be tight so look after each other. The worthy adversaries are good blokes they go hard but try to be fair ask C.

Get Easy back for us, No drama means flow will come.

#23-24 #dude