Doc Dude Dad

Dude, did you deserve red?

Well, the dude tries but ego, competition and pain will wake up Walter and get me a three-match ban. That is the drama we don’t need the paperwork the league bylaws and they don’t want to hear about the late tackle out of bounds and the cheap shot from behind. All the league wants is for us all to be happy, and go-lucky. Certainly, retaliation is treated harshly when they wave a big stick and blame. I blame myself. I accept a bit of a shit week at work, part sad, poor culture and just frustrated that I want patients to have a decent go at modern medicine. Well, dude what are you on about some depressing shit you are. FFS what are we on about. Ahhh that’s right “No drama.” At least I’m housebroken.

My drama aside the ref did a stellar job I deserved that card. I packed a tanty and earned it could be a touch harsh because the paperwork was filed after a loss of his own game or we were just too noisy and inconsiderate anyway my bad.

Be the ripple on the water expanding on attack or collapsing on defence. The flow was even at times with crisp short passes, some outlets and switches.

#24 #dude #red