Doc Dude Dad

Dude, what is necessary?

Epicurus a dead Greek famed as a hedonist (a philosophy which has been bent but aims to seek pleasure and avoid pain) wrote that we were bad at understanding our desires. The desire for competence and knowledge removes anxiety and fear because we understand the events around us and thus alleviate fears crippling effects or pains.

A tree produces a column of liquid water in xylem that withstands the vapour pressure meaning water should boil at 10 meters and at 50 meters high it still withstands this 15 atmosphere pressure difference and doesn’t boil or vaporise. How… very tiny holes that withstand a 15 atmospheric gradient 2.5 - 5 nanometers across using water at that tiny size where the surface tension of the water is what prevents the water from boiling. 1% of the water is used to make fuel, 5% for new growth and 95% evaporates to take on carbon dioxide which it needs to make sugar. Constantly evaporating water back into the air at scale. I am haunted by water and the way (Tao). You’re also taking liberty with everyone’s patience, you long-winded nerd.

The problem for epicureans/old Greek dudes who liked wine and shade is when that desire for knowledge is limitless, corrosive, or never enough. Humans struggle with unlimited things money, power, drugs, sex, porn or status and they offer diminishing returns a fleeting joy but often a longing or pain if prior heights or volumes are unmet.

We have necessary desires like food water and shelter these clearly have limits. Those desires are solicited by tycoons, pornographers and algorithms.

An extravagant desire is a good game to play, with good friends the physical challenge and the contest. These desires that combine needs for relatedness, competence, and autonomy build great memories. The limited nature of the event the allies and friends combine with a calm mind, a smooth kick, a simple run, or collapsing in support, the team, the fellow Plunderer and adds friction for the opponent.

Te Wero(The Challenge)

Easy + No Drama = Flow

Enjoy the afternoon, some Play and a cold beverage. May it be a rare extravagance in your week and may the memory hold fast and buoy your spirit this week.

#23-24 #dude