Doc Dude Dad

Dude, what draws us to play?

Easy, be cool dude not cold. I can try again today to be the dude I can set the friction, dysfunction, societal norms and populist shame and blame aside. I can keep trying to be more by being less. Less stoic, less abrasive, less nihilistic. The dude abides.

I want to be easy, the easy pass gives me time and lets me ripple, ebb and flow on defence. A touch of space and time allows my mind to become present not to be nostalgic for past pains or anxious about future gains just easy about space.

Today’s adversary has been a frustrating one who tends to exploit bylaws, solicitation and vagaries instead of simple strategy. Frustrations in past contests are past. Be present for the adversary who attends today's contest may they be worthy.

Our ref bays culture has bled and struggled for the plunderers. Recognise his honour of our fine contest and afford him assistance in lineouts and fouls and let the others display a need for drama. Be cool, not cold.

Te Wero (The challenge)

Abide : Be cool, not cold.

We know what to do. We accept a good roll or bad bounce and stumbles but we just show up struggle and make the easy pass.

Let’s Roll!

#23-24 #dude