Doc Dude Dad

Dude, was it fun?

“It looked like fun” - K T

The first raindrop does not alter a leaf, the last may uproot the kauri. The synergy of a group is as important— if not more important— than the talent of the individuals. Give a shout, work for the common goal, and let loose the quick of foot with a better pass.

Flow, the zone, the trance-like state where time flies, the effort seems meaningless or easy. Flow produces joy. Flow chemically binds us in the effort (dopamine from play and social play triggers oxytocin and the pro-social hormone testosterone comes in for the competition). Hence why KT said post-game “it looked like fun.” This is why Bondi bays “Culture” and expresses his love for the plunderers. This is noble it keeps us from murder and mayhem.

I call for presence because it allows us peace. Not depression about past games or anxiety about what could be. Reflect on the past to make better choices in the present. Prepare for the future so our families have easier times. Be present for there we live. easy

The master said to the student “The secret to life Dude; is never to argue with idiots”, “That can’t be right” said the Dude in protest. “You are right dude you will find the answer I have not” said the master. Like Daz said, “Let them argue when we don’t, (respond) they go after the ref or each other”. no drama

Te Wéro (the challenge)

“Easy” + “No Drama” = FLOW

Easy works we have shown it, KISS(keep it simple stupid), be like water, + no drama “what’s the secret to life” = FLOW

Flow where we wish the game was longer because it felt breezy and fun. This is our meditation our trance

Ready steady, Let’s Roll C.O.Y. Plunderers!

#23-24 #dude