Doc Dude Dad

Dude, can I tell you something?

The sun peeks up bright and clear, a cup of bitter tonic down the fire is struck before some breakfast gets started for the family. You lot embrace the day.

If someone tells you a tale of this dude raging like Walter or being grumpy at a ref just look to last week. Too much Walter from this dude's first-half we didn’t play for each other. We need that feedback we played well. We played heaps better than last year but in the second half that was our team. Team take me by the arm and tell me "less Walter more dude", or I am the burr in your saddle I respect the work rate, minutes or years in service of the club and don’t want to be the burr in anyone’s saddle. Clear feedback for me in this noisy world I appreciate it.

Easy the ripple on the pond stretch a bit for space but double back because if the short pass is misplaced we aren’t doubling back 10 yards. Collapse on defence to help your teammate. Keep it simple stupid.

No drama. Bondi said he would pick up the cards and whistle and be our anointed overlord for this fine voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles, our game. Give me or Cap any Feedback Bondi will listen but don’t call out or argue No Drama he is our dude.

Flow = Easy + No Drama, we have seen it, and been in that trance for passages of every game.

Te Wero (the challenge)

Talk - Easy, Time, One on, 2 on

Clear direction about space and time- those short passes make space and KISS runs their legs off.

No drama - worthy adversaries different sides can get a little aggro so step back and play our style.

If I am being Walter tell me more dude, I too am only seeking to be the dude to try and let my ego take a stroll to be cool, not cold.

I appreciate you lot it was a great game last week. Whose on Beers?

Let’s Roll Plunderers.

#23-24 #dude