Doc Dude Dad

Dude, why can't I try harder?

Humility yields cooperation Easy is the plunderer’s embodiment of that idea. 1v5 may work out occasionally but 3v5 easy, creates chances. There are lots of ins and outs, twists and turns. However, humility occasionally enforced by a flash of red, builds resolve, takes stock, allows introspection and reminds us of the joy of flow. The dude tries to spectate but I would rather run.

Rankings, results and comparisons steal the joy from the beautiful game. Just a game a voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles, but it is more. The humility teaches us to cooperate. I am here for you lots to challenge, charge and cheer. The collective struggle binds us by effort and determination. The laughs, the cheers even the pithy humour that makes us a team.

Wiggle the lock, don’t force the pass. Take the space like the ripple on the water. Be firm in defence water is stronger than stone carving it with time; most of the time it just moves around the obstacle. Be first to the ball and the space with ease. Abide don’t collide. Don’t coerce or solicit the referee it’s just their opinion, not a law that needs politicians, prostitutes or a letter to the league office.

This week we have a worthy adversary, they aren’t the obstacle to overcome the obstacle is us. We can play with any opponent and make passages of EASY make them work hard. Easy our cooperation our keep it simple stupid that overcomes and dispirits them.

Te Wero (the challenge)

Easy Plunderers easy.

Be cool (not cold)

Let’s Roll.

#24 #dude