Doc Dude Dad

Dude, what is a Prize?

Esteem is an ego boost. Self-compassion is respecting the inner critique. The critic could have a point without evidence, it is just like an opinion dude. Compassion yields the courage to accept that opinion could be ephemeral, fleeting or utter BS.

Often, we extend compassion to the other plunderers and not ourselves. Some of us probably need self-compassion more we carry shit; we aren’t at peace we struggle with the flow and being present.

Radical candour is caring personally and challenging directly if we don’t like something an action, a direction leans in allow space and challenge them but with compassion and directly to them, with humility that we may have an error in thought or that we have only an opinion.

When giving your opinion to yourself or others try to provide evidence everyone wants to know they have spinach in their teeth they can fix it. They don’t want to know they will never be as sexy as JC. You could instead recommend trying a full beard or running-like-the-wind things that make JC amazing without belittling others. Ahh shit, you’re all amazing 3 points for everybody (except this dude that was a bullshit cheap shot).

Our voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles proves we understand the backward effect, we accepted the effort met the reward and the game was the goal we don’t long for the W even forgoing the sure thing when offered or anxiously expecting different outcomes. 2-2-and whatever that’s how we did, we doubled last year’s tally that’s how we roll.

We didn’t politic or solicit the referees (well most of you didn’t) we made space for flow and had some great fun. Most of us didn’t need the league bylaws we kept our standards high and hostility in check (FFS Walter they did you stunk it up effectively sent off and 4 games missed).

Those other teams were okay most of them We’re “worthy F-ing adversaries.” We only had a few lopsided affairs we were worthy adversaries.

Anyways what’s a prize… who cares it isn’t as important as the giving. Just so we are clear I give a shit about you lot thanks for the season.

Anyways @ can I bum a ride?

2024 Manawatu Plunderers Football Club MPFC player since 2018, aspiring dude 2023, el capitan 2024...

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