Doc Dude Dad

Dude, why do we play?

Many animals play for joy, learning and novelty. People have developed games; voluntary attempts to overcome unnecessary obstacles together. Lineouts, fouls and goals are all opinions of a fallible anointed overlord who is given the power of a false god (but it is still their opinion dude). This service is a perception wrought with human error. Perception is a shared fiction. Not physics. Not nature. Not law.

Today we don’t know the appointed overlord (ref) of our voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles. We know they are anointed (in training), don’t grope or accost them. We know they are true and that they have passion. Give the anointed watcher their space of perception, they have no secret power (none we are allowed to discuss on the pitch), no extra strength to draw from, no extra sense they are just a Dude who chooses to serve. They serve as omnipotent in our shared fiction, but they are just a Dude. They may be our dude if we don’t solicit them. They flow as a river serving lifting building the stage of our magnificent fiction. My anointed overlord (in training) for this plight to overcome our imagined obstacles can be of any gender they desire. This dude is going to allow the lineouts and fouls to be the opinion of our new friend. My endeavour will be to attempt not to call her sir which may be slightly embarrassing. Lend compassion to ourselves and the opponents of this fine contest may line outs and fouls be conceded with integrity. A perceived violation of an imagined barrier is an opinion. No harm was committed. If this dudeness is forgotten; standards fall regrettably then league bylaws; and a 4 game ban F off, shit anyway… @Dy showed us how to concede transgression with composure last week which was a MF master move. This dude has to stop being clever and stoking animosity in our worthy adversaries.

Accepting the decision and moving forward is good longing or wanting is bad. Be present. This is the backwards effect.

This dude is here for you lot have a kick, a pass, a joke a moment of distraction from the cruel indifference of physics and entropy. I will receive the game that comes accepting the day as a moment of perceived obstacle all fun no harm. Our character cannot be overcome; our integrity will not be eroded which will make our beverages taste colder. Let the past be and give the present moment its time. Flow and use effortless ease.

Te Wero(the Challenge)

Be Present

Play our game Easy, KISS, take the game that comes with gentle humour and avoid the drama a collision a shoulder a foul concede or commit but accept the call either way it won’t matter in moments anyway.

Be present for a moment of quality in the final third, one more pass may be better than a speculative or narrow-angle attempt, keep the shots low and follow them it pays off.

Plunderers Let’s Roll.

#23-24 #dude