Doc Dude Dad

Dude, why the dude?

Is there something wrong with me that I want to be some stoner in an old movie? Nah just want to be unbothered or cool, not cold. I guess the Dude had enough, he wanted to roll and win the league but not with handguns or rule-mongering. No solicitation, politics or pornographers involved. Contentment for the opportunity, not the competition he was present for Donnie and Walter his mates or friends to enjoy the game to play.

Much of life has measures that drag and weigh on us. People want to know if you have a degree, a house, or a marriage they don’t ask if you are content or fulfilled. Do you have enough? Have you developed any unhealthy coping mechanisms lately? Refined some healthy ones.? I am taking injury prevention and maintenance more seriously but probably should be doing more cardio.

Anyway, Dudes consider us an experiment a place to allow irrational exuberance to collide with imagined obstacles the simple game of short sharp passes befuddles our enemies, saves my legs as we collapse on defence and lifts the spirit when we look up for one more pass in the box.

Hats off to our cheeky adversaries for a cheeky quick corner while we were staring at the sun fair play. That divided the sides two player switched on for and easy option. If we did that shit we would have been ecstatic. This weeks worthy adversaries are a good lot some worthy fing advisories so let's have easy passes and make them run. The quick option restart and deadball in the danger area should work.

Te Wero (The Challenge)

EASY the shortest pass will be the best today with only a few subies. 5 yards to cover we are ripples on water we ebb and flow.

#23-24 #dude